Making funds available for the sector is not only critical to extend infrastructure, but also for software components, such as building institutional capacity, monitoring and regulation. Ensuring efficiency and equity in the use of these funds is also critical, especially in light of limited public funds and the challenging task of achieving universal and sustainable access to water and sanitation services by 2030. In this context, leveraging funds from the private sector, including from households, and supporting private sector participation in the delivery of water and sanitation services will also prove to be essential, although this will take different forms in different country contexts.
At Aguaconsult, we advise governments, bilateral and multilateral financing organisations, and NGOs on optimum financing strategies for water and sanitation services. We focus on public finance analysis and the design of public finance frameworks for water and sanitation services, both at national and local levels. We also advise governments and development partners on how to maximise the use of existing funds and mobilize additional finance from alternative sources, including private sectors and commercial lending institutions. We assess the use of innovative financing mechanisms, including microfinance and results-based approaches. We also review and advise on contractual arrangements with the private sector, whether in the context of urban utilities, small, piped water schemes in rural areas, or decentralised faecal sludge services, with the view to ensure a balanced risk allocation and that the right incentives are in place for performing and equitable services.; 2023
Accelerating access to safe water and sanitation. Assess the performance of WaterCredit model of in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and India.
UNICEF Ghana 2022
Innovative finance for sanitation. Support in setting up a blended finance facility with a complementing enabling facility to accelerate access to basic sanitation and improve the quality of sanitation services in Ghana.
UNICEF Ghana 2021
Assessment of sanitation funding and financing. Assessment of sanitation funding and financing approaches implemented to date, looking at the performance of projects across the service chain to inform the government and development partners on the most cost-effective approaches for scaling-up services.
Agence Française de Développement 2020
Role of Public Development Banks in Funding Water Investments. A study analyzing the role of public development banks in financing SDG 6 and the water-related goals of the Paris Agreement, including their contribution to biodiversity protection.