We are specialists in the water and sanitation for development sector.
We work in collaborative partnership with a range of global stakeholders, from governments, to donors, NGOs, the private sector, academia, and local communities to improve water and sanitation services globally and build sector resilience to climate change.
Knowledge & Communication
We thrive in the knowledge economy and deliver relevant and accessible knowledge products that can inspire, educate and bring about change.
Technical Assistance
We combine the latest thinking across a range of professional disciplines with on the ground, real-world experience ensuring that our advice is relevant, effective and achieves results.
Research & Design
We conduct research into policy, service delivery and organisational change processes, bringing new insights that can help deliver lasting impacts to poor and under-served communities.
Training & Facilitation
We empower professionals with knowledge and tools and have extensive experience in delivering high-quality learning events from global to local levels.
Monitoring & Evaluation
We regularly conduct participatory evaluations and have developed qualitative and quantitative approaches to monitoring progress, outcomes and impact.
Sector Capacity Building & Learning
We work across multiple organisations and countries to identify, distil and disseminate learnings and best practices relevant to sector stakeholders at the global, national and sub-national levels.